Scholarship for students of UP studying in Rashtriya Indian Military College.xlsx


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Field Value
Last Updated October 5, 2023, 19:37 (UTC)
Created October 5, 2023, 19:37 (UTC)
Last Scraped On 29th Aug 2023
avg_scheme_allotment 636100
avg_scheme_expenditure 579700
avg_scheme_utilisation 91.13346958025468
data_type Treasury
scheme_code 2202021071900
scheme_mode Direct Cash Transfer to students
scheme_name_english Scholarship for students of UP studying in Rashtriya Indian Military College
scheme_name_hindi राष्ट्रीय इंडियन मिलिटेरी कालेज देहरादून में अध्ययनरत उ.प्र. के छात्रों को छात्रवृत्ति
scheme_sc Centrally Sponsored Scheme
scheme_type Benefits girl students exclusively
state_name Uttar Pradesh